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How to use Slider Component in Kodular Creator?


How to use Slider Component in Kodular Creator?

How to use Slider Component in Kodular Creator?

You are welcome to Learn Web tutorials. As you have seen In today's tutorial we are going to learn about "How to use slider component in Kodular Creator?" You will find this interesting and So, here we start our tutorial with Some of the FAQ's about Slider component.

FAQ's about Slider Component :

1. What is Slider component?

I think you might have got what I mean by slider here in our tutorial. But, if you didn't understood what is Slider in Kodular or android. Simply I have an example of slider. You might be using any android or iphone. There you have a volume up and down button when you press one of these buttons you see a dialog sliding into your screen in which you find an sliding button or we can say thumb. You have to slide this to adjust your volume. This is called Slider component in Kodular. Now you might have got what we are going to learn about.

2. Benefits of using slider:

There are many options where you can use a slider in your application. There are also another benefits of using slider in our application such as it improves the UI and UX of our app. This also develop a sense of professionally made application in the mind of users. This is a better way of accepting input from user. These were some of the main benefits of using Slider in our application and numerous other benefits you can discover while using it.
These were the frequently asked questions about Slider. Now we can learn how to implement and use Slider component in our application.

How to implement Slider Component in Kodular?

Step 1: Search for Slider option in Palette under user interface option.

Step 2: Now drag and drop this component to desired position your project.

Now you have added this component in your project. So, we can move ahead here.

Properties of Slider component :

1. Color Left:
This sets the color of the left side of the slider's thumb or we can say the left side selected position of Slider.

2. Color Right:
This sets the color of the right side of the slider's thumb or we can say the right side selected position of Slider.

3. Width:
This sets the width of the Slider.

4. Max Value:
This sets the maximum value which can be selected by slider's thumb.

5. Min. Value:
This sets the minimum value that can be selected by Slider component.

6. Thumb Color:
This sets the color of the Slider's thumb or the circle that is going to be slided.

7. Thumb Enabled:
This sets whether to show thumb or not in slider.

8. Thumb Position:
This sets the initial position of the thumb of slider.

9. Visible:
This sets whether slider will be visible when screen initialised.

Blocks Related to Slider:

1. Position Changed:
Kodular slider block no. 1
This is used to detect when user has changed the position of thumb and we get the position of thumb by the variable "thumb position".

2. Touch Up:
Kodular slider block no. 2
This is used to detect an event when the thumb is touched and invoked upside.

3. Touch Down:
Kodular slider block no. 2
This block is used to detect an event when the thumb is touched and invoked upside.

So, this  was the way in which you can use Slider component for developing your android app. This all was for today we will be back again with a new tutorial. Till then.....

Happy Koding.....
